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Organized by Megan Wyatt

How to Get Hijab Ready


raised of 0 USD goal

598 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: CA, United States

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by April 21, 2015 at 9:00 PM EDT

A Guide for Muslim Girls Ages 8 to 11

"Why isn't there a fun and colorful book to show me ideas on how to get ready to wear hijab and how to wear it?" 

This was the question that my daughter Aisha (now 12) asked me several Ramadans ago, when she was only ten years old. Looking through all of her "how-to" books on her shelf written for girls to discover their favorite clothing styles, hair styles, and hobbies, it became obvious that a book like this was essential for her developing Muslim identity.

I wanted to create a book for her, and all the other girls like her, that was colorful, fun, and vibrant; a book that reflected who she was inside and outside in her every day life. A book that made her feel excited to think about this important milestone for a young Muslim girl, and most importantly a book that gave her confidence to choose to cover when the time came.

Right then and there, I opened up a word document and told her "Why don't we write one together?" Excited, she began to list all of the things she'd like to see in a basic "how-to" book.

First reaction when seeing the book from Shaykha Muslema Purmul, Safa Center for Research and Education -  "I wish a book like this was around when I was a young girl!" 

Muslim girls need positive images to model in their literature.

And it begins with what they see at home at a young age. Hijab is not something a young girl can fully grasp and understand when she is young.

What she can grasp is that hijab is important, beautiful, natural, and something that is pleasing to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala. 

By giving the special young girl in your life a book like this when she is young, a book that she enjoys flipping through and reading, you are creating a positive energy around this noble yet monumental decision she will need to make when she becomes a young lady. Our talented illustrator, Sarah Hafeez, did an amazing job bringing colorful, vibrant, and engaging images to this book masha'Allah.

Review from Hosai Mojadiddi,

"In a time when so many young girls are struggling to navigate their way through our hyper-sexualized and consumer world, "How to Get Hijab Ready" is indeed a much needed and welcomed effort. This wonderful book is written in a style that is visually beautiful, age-appropriate and fun, but also offers invaluable, well-researched and sound advice, making it an ideal guide for young Muslims and also something that parents, educators, and anyone seeking a better understanding of hijab can appreciate!"

"After reading this book, I feel like I could wear hijab! You addressed all of my fears that I had about wearing hijab to school and in public!"

- Muslim Girl Age 10, Orange County, CA

Wearing Hijab isn't an easy decision for many girls today.

Aisha wanted the book to address some of the areas she was learning how to manage. What do you say when someone in public asks you why you cover? What happens if you are practicing covering, and see someone from school around town? How do you handle being made fun of?

We wanted to make sure the book would give girls tips on how to handle the real world and address some of their fears.

Review from Shaykh Yaser Birjas, AlMaghrib Institute:

"How to Get Hijab Ready is an overdue book for our little princesses to get them ready to become our future queens crowned with their beautiful hijab. A must read for every Muslim mother and her beautiful little girl."  

Aisha included personal tips throughout the book!

You'll find little post-it note tips like this throughout the book written by Aisha! :)

A Book for a Special Girl in Your Life!

This book will make a great gift for your daughter, little sister, niece, granddaughter, cousin, or any other young girl that is special to you! Any financial contribution you make for this book will mean a copy sent to you! We've set the price low and affordable so everyone can afford this book. Plus you'll be helping my daughter, a first time author, realize her personal dream of seeing this book in the hands of girls all over the world! 

Click on the contribution amount at the top right of the page place your order!  -->

Once this campaign is complete, we will place our printing order with the printing company. As soon as the books arrive at our door, we'll be packaging them and shipping them out to your address!

Review from Umm Zakiyyah, internationally acclaimed author of If I Should Speak - 

"MaashaAllah, I absolutely love this book! This is the first youth-friendly book on hijab that I’ve read, and it’s also the first book on hijab that I found enjoyable and exciting to read. The pictures and artwork are really eye-catching and beautiful, and the information is Islamic and inspirational. The book answers questions like, What is hijab, and why do we wear it? It also shows pictures of hijab and different outfits a girl can wear with hijab. I was really pleased to see the practical tips on how to start getting accustomed to hijab before it’s time to wear it. At this stage, you are a “muhajabah in training.” The book gives very balanced and straightforward advice explaining hijab to non-Muslim friends, talking about hijab to Muslim friends, what to say when a stranger asks about hijab. Even handling awkward situations are discussed, like hearing someone say something about hijab that isn’t nice—and even mentally preparing yourself for all the excited uncles and aunties at the masjid who are thrilled to see you in hijab! MaashaAllah tabaarakAllah. This book is a must-read for all girls who are approaching the age of hijab. I think girls who are already covering or who are of age but are reluctant to wear hijab would benefit from the book too. I’m a grown woman, and it was an inspiration to me! I hope this book becomes required reading in all Muslims schools and in homeschool groups, especially for those living in the West. I am really excited about this book. (Where can I buy it?)"


(Tote bag design idea - final design may change)

Make sure to tell your friends about this book!

We must reach our financial goal to afford the process of having created, designed, printed and shipped our books!

Jazakum Allahu Khairan!!

Megan Wyatt

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Recent supporters

Nadia Qayyum

$22 USD, 9 years ago

Kashmala Qasim

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Saira Alvi

$100 USD, 9 years ago

Maryam Taufique

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Benish Chaudhry

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Benish Chaudhry

$15 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Asmaa Taha

$15 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Sharjeel Burhan

$100 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Gloria Taylor

$25 USD, 9 years ago

Fariha Sarah

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Anne Myers

$15 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$32 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$32 USD, 9 years ago

Mariam Shah

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Yasmeen Abou-Sayed

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Updates 15

Megan Wyatt9 years ago

All books were shipped except....

As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

Ramadan Mubarak! May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us all a month full of 'ibadah and hearts revived with iman and a nearness to Him!

I wanted to drop a note and let you know that ALL orders were shipped out as of June 1st with the exception of people who were emailed with a deadline to send in their missing shipping details.

If you did not receive your order by now, please email me at so we can find out why. I have a log of all shipments made, including date it went out and also the address details you provided. (A few people realized they had put the wrong shipping address down. )

If you did receive your order, and loved it, we'd love a FB tag at to share with others! Snap a photo of your book, or your reader in action with her book!

For friends asking where they can get their own copy, send them to

Megan Wyatt

Megan Wyatt9 years ago

Books finally arrived!

As'salamu Alaikum!

I just wanted to let you know that our books have officially arrived. We'll start the process of packaging and shipping this week, working in order of when a pre-order was made.

Please be patient with us as we work through this process as a family, as this is a learning curve for all of us!


Megan Wyatt9 years ago

Tote bag update + countdown!

As'salamu Alaikum,

We have three days remaining on our page, which means if any of your friends still want to get in and order a book, they've got three days left. This way they get their book before the summer insha'Allah.

Just copy & paste this into your Facebook if you know you've got some procrastinating friends:

There are only THREE days left to place your pre-order for the book "How to Get Hijab Ready: A Guide for Muslim Girls Ages 8-11" by Megan Wyatt and her daughter Aisha Elwan. If you meant to purchase, but forgot, here's my friendly reminder to you! (I already ordered one alhamdulellah)

We also are excited that we placed our order for the tote bags, so anyone who ordered those can get excited now. (If you didn't order one, but want to add one to your order, message me for details how!)

Otherwise, we're just waiting for our shipment of books to arrive! I'm still waiting on a delivery date from our printer, Cedar Graphics, but I'm sure it's coming soon.


p.s. If you're married, you may be interested to check out my upcoming course for couples/wives being held live and online in ten days:

Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Books are being printed!!!

As'salamu Alaikum,

Just wanted to share the good news that our books are officially being printed! We sent in all our final documentation, our down payment, and now, it's print time!

I was told our books should arrive in a few weeks, but I wasn't give an exact date yet. As soon as they arrive we'll be ready to start shipping them insha'Allah.

Have a fabulous weekend coming up insha'Allah, and keep us in your du'a.


Megan Wyatt10 years ago

We're wrapping up!

As'salamu Alaikum!

Just wanted to drop in and let everyone know that we are about to place our printing order. I'm just waiting on some paper work to get processed, and we can send our payment and order in.

And a huge welcome to those of you who just joined in the support of our book launch! It's been amazing to reach our $20,000 production goal, and then, even more amazing to see people still coming in to pre-order a book after the fact!

I've heard from some little girls already about how much the loved their paper doll cutouts that our graphic designer Sarah made for us.

If you didn't get yours yet, check this out:

And yes, you can share that link with your friends for the next week!


p.s. If you were one of the people who was over-charged for your donation amount on Sunday, you should have received an email from the LaunchGood team notifying you about the issue, and also, have received a refund. If you have any remaining issues, please contact them directly since they handle all of the payments. (This applies only to those who used a credit card.)

Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Celebration Time + FREE Paper Girl Download Activity

As'salamu Alaikum Everyone!!

It's Celebration time!! Alhamdulellah, we have officially passed the $20,000 mark and we can officially begin the process of placing our book order. (

We have chosen to print in the U.S.A. through an Islamic based printing company, Cedar Graphics, for our first print order of the book. 

Thank you for your awesome support in helping us reach our goal. Please keep us in your du'a, as I pray that Allah accepts this small book as something done for His sake.

To celebrate, we have created a free printable paper doll packet which you can download and print out to share with any little girl you know. My toddler went right to work this morning coloring and designing her hijab outfits! :)

Here is the link:

We also invite you to share this link with your friends and personal network so others can print the activity pages as well.


p.s. Don't worry, you'll still hear from me! I'll share updates about the printing turn around time as soon as I have those details.

p.p.s. If your friends have been saying "wow, I should order one of those books," please tell them to hop to it!

Megan Wyatt10 years ago

What about that $18,000 mark celebration?

As'salamu Alaikum Everyone!

SubhanAllah, I went to sleep, and woke up to finding we are waaaaaay passed our $18,000 celebration mark! For those just joining in the campaign, I promised everyone that when we got to the $18,00 mark we'd celebrate with a downloadable activity you could print and use right away. our awesome designer, Sarah Hafeez, is working on that surprise activity and it's due to be completed Monday insha'Allah. She and I didn't expect things to move this fast! But no one is complaining around here! 

So stay tuned for that update at the beginning of the week insha'Allah.

Our next announcement email will come from Aisha insha'Allah. Being that she is only twelve, she is obviously not that comfortable getting on here and typing a bunch of strangers in the big wide world. (And I'm more than ok with that!) 

But we thought it would be fun to have her communicate too, so we'd like to know what questions you have for her, and she can answer them in the next campaign update insha'Allah!


Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Our book got it's first review online by someone amazing masha'Allah.

As'salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah,

Alhamdulellah, a sister who I truly love for the sake of Allah, Asmaa Hussein, has chosen our book for review on her freshly launched website called Ruqayah's Bookshelf! 

If you aren't already familiar with Asmaa, you can learn about her on her site and what has made her beloved not just to me, but thousands of people across the world who have never met her. Her husband, Amr Kassem, was killed in Egypt in 2013 leaving her widowed with a nine month old daughter. Her writing on Facebook since his death as a shaheed, insha'Allah, has left me breathless at times, and in tears in others. She has been a role model for me in what grieving with a heart filled with iman looks like.  

As she is picking up the pieces of her life, she has dedicated herself to creating a beautiful literary world for her daughter, Ruqayah. 

I am deeply honored that she reached out to review the book Aisha and I worked on together, and I pray that aside from enjoying the review you will do two things:

1) Share the review with your friends online so they can learn about not just our book, but her website and people will start following her there.

2) Check out the two fiction books she is planning to create down the road and support her start up fees.  


p.s. We are almost there! $2,300 away from our $20,000 goal! Allahu Akbar!

p.p.s. Here is the link to share:

Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Guess what my Dad said about our book!!!! I'm so excited to share this!

As'salamu Alaikum to our Awesome Book Supporters!

We officially have only $2942 left to raise as of the moment I am typing this! Allahu Akbar!  You guys have been awesome with spreading the word about this book! 

Speaking of spreading the word, my Dad surprised me this past week with an email that meant the world to me.

As the only Muslim in my family, you could imagine that the topic of hijab may not be the easiest one to discuss. But this past week, my Dad decided on his own to search for a local Islamic school in the city where he lives. He found one, and emailed them personally to let them know about our book, hoping they would find it beneficial.

I was completely.....floored.

Not only have has he been cheering me and Aisha on and checking out the stats everyday on the campaign, he's even gone so far as to email a local Islamic school.

He told the school that his granddaughter and daughter who practice the Muslim faith wrote a book for girls to get ready to wear hijab, and they might want to take a look at the book for their students. 

I am so incredibly grateful, moved, and inspired by his love, support, and belief in me and my own daughter and this book.

Please keep my parents in your du'a, and keep us in your du'a as well. I pray this book begins many beneficial conversations across dinner tables around the world.

Keep up the sharing! You never know whose life will be touched in a positive way. :)


Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Wow, Only 34 Days Left! :)

As'salamu Alaikum! 

Aisha and I can't believe there are only 34 days left to reach our goal! We check our campaign count just about every day to see how things are going. 

It's such a surprise to wake up in the morning and see a jump in supporters from the night before. :) My toddler likes watching the progress bar fill up with color and keeps saying "our family book is almost done!"

This week, a friend sent out a single email to an email list she was on, and it resulted in a new group of friends joining us here. 

Is there group you are a part of where there are others who may be interested in learning about the book? If so, please send them our way! 

Something unique to mention is that unlike other crowd funding campaigns where people are asked to donate but get nothing tangible in return, this one equals a book for everyone insha'Allah. 

Can you help us aim to surpass $16,000 by this weekend by spreading the word?


Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Want a fun free download?

As'salamu Alaikum!

My daughter Aisha and I have been discussing some creative downloads to share with all of you and our community that tie into the theme of the book. 

When we pass the $18,000 mark we'll celebrate by sharing some free activity downloads that can be printed out and shared insha'Allah.

Here are a few of our ideas:

1) Print out paper dolls that can be cut out, colored, and played with.

2) Print out "catalog" where girls can design their own clothing and hijab prints.

3) A audio book recording with a printable coloring page to accompany it.

Let us know which one you like the best, and any other ideas you have! 

Keep sharing and tagging friends on Facebook about the book! We can't wait to celebrate insha'Allah with your support.


Megan Wyatt10 years ago

"Do we *have* to reach the $20,000 goal to print our books?" - common question

As'salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah!

With your generous support and belief in our book, we are close to reaching $12,000 today. Alhamdulellah :)  Jazakum Allahu Khairan.

I've been getting a number of emails asking if we really have to reach the $20,000 goal before the books are printed.

The answer is not only yes, but if we don't reach the goal, no one gets a book.

Yes, I know that sounds a little shocking! This is how an "all or nothing" crowdfunding campaign works! It's more than just investing financially. It asks that all of us share this project far and wide so that, collectively, we can make the book a reality.

Most people need to see something multiple times before they will finally take action. We think "I'll come back to this tonight" but we get distracted and forget. Until we see it on our screen again!

Please help us remind our supporters who love this book by making another Facebook post, a tweet, or sending a text to your friends. 

I know it's a bit more work for you, so thank you in advance.

Megan Wyatt

Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Awesome! We're officially half way there!!

As'salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

I am thrilled to share the awesome news that we are officially halfway to our campaign amount. As of the writing of this message to you, we stand at $10,005! Allahu Akbar.

I'll be emailing and sharing our book information as far and wide as I can and pray we can reach our goal to complete the printing process soon.

I'll keep you updated with our progress. If you have any questions, you can email me at


Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Any friends want paypal to get the book?

As'salamu Alaikum!

Alhamdulellah we are almost half way to reaching our goal! In the course of two days we've raised over $8,000! Allahu Akbar!

We've had many requests from around the world for an option to pre-order a book with paypal. LaunchGood isn't able to offer this just yet on their platform, so they allowed us to create an outside link instead. (It will be added onto our campaign page)

When you let your friends and family know about our book, you can let them know paypal is now open too for pre-order donations.

Thank you to everyone who has posted about this on Facebook and emailed their friends. You are now all a part of our family project, alhamdulellah :)

Megan Wyatt

Megan Wyatt10 years ago

Wow! Thank you for your immediate support!

As'salamu Alaikum!

Aisha and I are so excited to have woken up this morning to find that you and so many others have supported our book launch in such little time! My toddler has been doing a little happy dance with us around the kitchen :)

Would you like to get the book sooner?

As soon as we see that we are close to our target amount, we will place the printing order insha'Allah. The sooner we reach our goal, the faster the books get into your hands!

Help us spread the word by letting your friends and family know you pre-ordered yourself, and share with them the link to do the same!

Again, thank you!

Megan Wyatt

P.S. Here is a suggested Facebook post or email you can copy and paste:

Mother & daughter team Megan Wyatt & Aisha Elwan have just launched their book "How to Get Hijab Ready - A Guide For Muslim Girls Ages 8-11" and it's now available for pre-order through a crowdfunding campaign! Click here to watch the video and see the book:

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